- Fixed the unlimited upload bug (if unlimited upload was selected, too many slots were opened).
- The relese-bar can be dis/activated for more than one file at once.
- The auto-reply message before the custom one is now always in english, no more dependent from the selected language.
- Sources from complete sources (with 24x) can be received (not sent)
- New Xmas Skin :P
- New Notify Sound :D
[eMule 23b.enkeyDEV3]
(Upgraded to 23b codebase)
(Merged most of Tarod.11e mods)
- Removed Friend Slot and Fast server connection. Sorry, but we thing that these are too dangerous for the network.
- Release Bar: a bar that allows you to know which block you have sent, and how many times. Useful for releasers (look at the post below for usage)
- If Release Bar is activated, the file entry in the list changes color, going from red to blue, in accordance to the number of sent parts: when not all the parts have been uploaded, the color goes from bright red to dark red, instead when all the parts have been uploaded at least one time, the color goes from dark blue to bright blue.
- Advanced messaging options: You can choose if filter messages from non-friends or from everyone. You can also set an Away message, sent in automatic when a message is received. See the new "Instant Messaging" preference tab for details.
- Minimum limit to DynUpload: You can select a limit the dynupload can't go lower. (The upper limit is set to the Upload Capacity as before)
- Speed measurement routines have been rewritten: they are no more influenced by CPU load, and are much more accurate. Besides, before the upload speed measurement was done using the same (inaccurate) timebase of the upload, so it showed always the same speed. Now it's the true speed, and so in the Statistics the line is very irregular. Before, it was a flat line (erroneously).
- In Shared Files, if you select more than one file, and choose to copy the links in the clipboard, all the selected file links are copied to the clipboard, and no more only one.
- Fixed a bug from Tarod.11e (in CUploadQueue::Process()) that caused frequent crashes.
[eMule 22c.enkeyDEV2]
(Upgraded to 22c codebase)
(Merged most of Tarod.8a mods)
- Now the Notifier is skinnable (Yeah, you understood right :D)
- Search tabs are now closable by a small X in the tab
- You can swap all A4AF sources of a file by clicking on a single menu item. (Force all sources to download this file)
- A4AF sources are now taken into account in sources count (in download-list)
- You can choose individual output directories for each single file (choosen directory will be added to share)
- The output directory is shown in the File Details dialog
- For "On Queue" sources, in Client Details is shown the time elapsed from entering the queue
- In Messages, every message reports the time the message was received
- New "Autoclose" option in Notifier: enabled it will behave as before, instead disabled it will remain opened until user action (only for received messages and completed downloads, for other events the notifier will reclose). It is very useful when you leave the pc, when you return you will find the notifier opened if you have received a message or completed a download.
- The notifier has an history of the last 5 events, you can navigate between them through a new button on it.
- The Notifier can be disabled by a taskbar-menu option, so that if you are playing or watching a movie it won't annoy you :)
- In automatic swap of an A4AF source (for example when stopping or completing a file, or when it is in "no needed parts), the file to swap the source to is decided by priority and by availability of the files.
- New "Notify on errors" handling, taken from InterCeptor and modified to comply to the new Notifier specs
- Some errors ("A client has caused blah blah...") are never notified
- In download-list, the sources are slightly shifted to the right, to improve list readability
- When right-clicking on a completed file, unuseful menu items are disabled
- Queue rating in download-list is not shown for downloading and a4af sources
- When entering in Messages, the message editbox is focused.
[eMule 22a - enkeyDEV 1 mod based on Tarod 1a]
- New notifier for chat and download events [by kei-kun]
- Improved A4AF management [by Ottavio84]
- New preferences tab for notifier control [by kei-kun]
- Better Italian translation
crash-free [by Al and trevi55] <<-- Merkur and other modders are
kindly requested to use this string table in future versions, thanks!
- Minor bugfixes [by Ottavio84]
What is A4AF management?
You may have noticed that if you are downloading some files having the
same sources, the annoying message "asked for another file" appears.
This is fair, because emule/edonkey can download only one file concurrently
from one user. While edonkey when a file is finished passes the source to another
file, in eMule a source remains stuck at A4AF for ever. This patch instead
passes the source to another file when:
1) The file is stopped, paused or cancelled.
2) When that source for that file has no needed parts
3) By hand, with a right-click menu
About the third option: you can right-click on a source with A4AF and
click on "Download this file now". The source will immediately become
available for the file that owns the source you clicked on.
This patch uses a local queue ordered by priority, so file priority
DOES affect the download now.
I think this patch will be very useful for downloading TV-Series and releases
made up of multiple files.
What is the notifier?
This is a completely new feature: it adds an hiding notifier (MSN Messenger anyone? :)
that notifies you when a new file is added or completed, or when a new chat event
happens. You won't lose anymore a chat message only because you haven't noticed
A sound can be also played at every notifier appearing.